When and how do I make the payments?

The person contracting the insurance is obliged to pay the invoice at their own address, at any ASSSA office, through the web site or through their broker, and will have a period of 30 days from the payment due date.

This payment obligation is unique and for the entire duration of the policy, without prejudice to the division of the same into monthly, quarterly or six-monthly instalments that may be agreed in the Particular Conditions.

When a direct debit is set up in the contract, the invoice will be sent for collection on the issue date. If the direct debit invoice is returned by the Bank, ASSSA will notify you of the fact by letter or any other other undisputed means, granting you a period of 30 calendar days to notify the Insurer how you intend to settle payment of the outstanding amount.

The first invoice payment will be enforceable once the contract is signed. In the case of split payments, failure to pay any part of the invoice will give ASSSA the right to claim the total amount of the invoice still outstanding.

Can I cancel a card payment?

The insured has 14 days to expressly request a refund of the amount paid to ASSSA.

How do I terminate the contract?

The person contracting the insurance may notify ASSSA of their opposition to the extension of the contract in writing and for this to take effect, notification must be made and received no less than one month in advance of the end date of the contract in force.

Information about online payment

When using the virtual POS for making a card payment, you are redirected to a page controlled by the Bank for making the payment through their payment gateway.

We hereby inform you that the bank’s Virtual POS integrates the functions of Secure Electronic Commerce (SEC) during the payment process in order to provide a high level of payment security and protection.

During the electronic payment operation, the bank will collect information relative to the connection and IP address, information about the device, browsing and transaction data, well as other data accessible from the online connection and the channel required by the VISA Secure/Mastercard Identity Check security protocols, in order to detect and prevent unauthorised or fraudulent payment transactions.

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Este reglamento tiene por objeto regular el funcionamiento del Servicio de Atención al Cliente y del Defensor del Asegurado de ASSSA, así como las relaciones entre ambos. Se rige por la Ley 44/2002 de 22 de noviembre, de Medidas de Reforma del Sistema Financiero y por la Orden ECO 734/2004, de 11 de marzo, sobre los departamentos y servicios de atención al cliente de las entidades financieras.

El Reglamento para la defensa del asegurado puede solicitarlo en la siguiente dirección de
